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Ref : S06241

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : In Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3

Caption :

(07/22/2000) --- In Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3, members of the STS-106 crew familiarize themselves with equipment in the payload bay of Space Shuttle orbiter Atlantis with the help of KSC employees as part of Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT) activities for their mission. The STS-106 crew members are Commander Terrence W. Wilcutt, Pilot Scott D. Altman, and Mission Specialists Edward T. Lu, Daniel C. Burbank, Yuri I. Malenchenko, Boris V. Morukov and Richard A. Mastracchio. Malenchenko and Morukov represent the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. On the 11-day mission, the seven-member crew will perform support tasks on orbit, transfer supplies and prepare the living quarters in the newly arrived Zvezda Service Module for the first long-duration crew, dubbed 'Expedition One,' which is due to arrive at the Station in late fall. STS-106 is scheduled to launch Sept. 8, 2000, at 8:31 a.m. EDT from Launch Pad 39B