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Ref : S01838

Theme : Future projects - Exploration of the Solar System  (136 images)

Title : An inflatable habitat similar to this could represent part of an outpost, forerunner to a permanent inhabited lunar base

Caption :

An inflatable habitat similar to this could represent part of an outpost, forerunner to a permanent inhabited lunar base. Twenty years after the original manned Moon landing, a group of scientists and engineers at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) are considering the return to the Moon. The return would not be merely to explore but to learn to live and work on another planetary surface. Since 1986, a number of concepts for going to the Moon, living on its surface and adapting to its unique environment have been developed at JSC by designers who drew on experience reaching many years into the past. The habitation system depicted here may be different than represented. Actual scenarios and elements will be based on long-term strategies of the civilian space program, technological advances and public and Congressional input. The artist has depicted here, along with the inflatable habitat a construction shack and related solar shield, connecting tunnel regolith bags for radiation protection, thermal radiation experimental six-legged walker, solar power system for the lunar oxygen pilot plant and other elements.