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Ref : S01842

Theme : Future projects - Exploration of the Solar System  (136 images)

Title : Mars Outpost. Habitat module, pressurized rover dock/equipment lock, airlocks, and a constructable (inflatable) habitat

Caption :

Mars Outpost. Main components are a habitat module, pressurized rover dock/equipment lock, airlocks, and a 16 meter constructable (inflatable) habitat. Also visible in this image is a meteorological balloon, an unpressurized rover, a storage work area, a geophysical experiment area and a local area antenna. The Outpost is for 7 astronauts whose mission will focus on research related to Earth sciences such as mining of Mars and Phobos; life science research; advanced technical development; origin of life studies; and further solar system exploration. Mars Outpost elements and procedures are derived from an earlier lunar test bed.