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Ref : S01855

Theme : Future projects - Exploration of the Solar System  (136 images)

Title : Artist's concept of possible exploration programs. A one-meter transit telescope is shown mounted to a robotic lunar lander on the surface of the Moon

Caption :

A one-meter transit telescope is shown mounted to a robotic lunar lander on the surface of the Moon. The Moon is a uniquely suitable platform for astronomy, which could include extreme ultraviolet images of Earth's magnetosphere (permitting study of solar wind interaction), the first far ultraviolet sky survey, and first-generation optical interferometers and very long wavelength radio telescopes. The instrument illustrated is a Lunar Ultraviolet Telescope Experiment (LUTE), which takes advantage of the stable and atmosphere-free lunar surface, and uses the Moon's rotation to survey the ultraviolet sky. The lander is an 'Artemis' - class lander capable of delivering up to 200 kilograms to the lunar surface. The 'Artemis' robotic lunar lander is designed for cost-effective delivery of payloads to the Moon to study lunar geology, astronomy, and as a precursor to human lunar expeditions.