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Réf : T01497

Thème : Terre vue de l'espace - Déserts - Dunes  (200 images)

Titre : Diamantina River, Queensland, Australia September 1993

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

The dendritic drainage patterns observed in this image show two distinct, paralleling drainage basins: the Diamantina River (the longer, gently curving river channel towards the top part of the image) and the Hamilton River (bottom center). Both of these generally southern drainage (when there is enough water to flow) systems are part of the much larger Great Artesian Basin of Australia. The Great Artesian Basin lies beneath a great expanse of grassy plains located west of the Great Dividing Range in Queensland. Unpredictability of rainfall and high evaporation rates throughout this region has practically eliminated permanent water holes. Consequently, bore holes (wells) must be drilled to various depths to produce water flow for humans and live stock.