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Réf : T01281

Thème : Terre vue de l'espace - Déserts - Dunes  (200 images)

Titre : Lake Eyre, South Australia December 1990

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

Lake Eyre, located in the arid interior of south-central Australia, is one of the largest areas of internal drainage in the world. The lake, which receives its principal water drainage from southwestern Queensland, consists of two distinct, but interrelated, basins. The much larger north basin consists of two large, highly reflective, normally dry lakebeds—eastern Madigan Bay and western Belt Bay. The prominent color change in the Madigan Bay lobe indicates the presence of some water at the time the photograph was taken. The much smaller, white appendage extending southward from Belt Bay is Jackboot Bay. The elongated south basin of Lake Eyre is normally dry with a highly reflective encrustation of salt and sand.