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Accueil »  Tirages Photos » Decollages de fusées-Navettes Spatiales » S09720
Réf S09720 : Erupting from the clouds of smoke below

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40 x 60 cm23.00 € 20.70 €
125.00 €
50 x 75 cm29.90 € 26.91 €
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170.00 €
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100 x 150 cm109.00 €
290.00 €

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Thème : Decollages de fusées-Navettes Spatiales

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(06/05/2002) - Erupting from the clouds of smoke below, Space Shuttle Endeavour roars into space on mission STS-111 to the International Space Station. Liftoff occurred at 5:22:49 p.m. EDT. The STS-111 crew includes Commander Kenneth Cockrell, Pilot Paul Lockhart, and Mission Specialists Franklin Chang-Diaz and Philippe Perrin (CNES), as well as the Expedition Five crew members Valeri Korzun, Peggy Whitson and Sergei Treschev. This mission marks the 14th Shuttle flight to the International Space Station and the third Shuttle mission this year. Mission STS-111 is the 18th flight of Endeavour and the 110th flight overall in NASA's Space Shuttle program

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