Réf D14 : APOLLO 14 - Série de 31 Diapositives
Réf DC1 : SPOT : SATELLITE D'OBSERVATION DE LA TERRE - Série de 12 Diapositives
Réf ALE01 : Le lot complet de tous les 38 Ecussons Aviation, Grands, Moyens, Petits modèles
Réf DC2 : 1985 - 1995 PERSPECTIVES SPATIALES EUROPÉENNES - Série de 12 Diapositives
Réf PP010 : La Terre - Apollo 17
Réf T19 : Sky-Watcher 80/400 Eq.
Réf D13 : LES NEBULEUSES - Série de 20 Diapositives
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Astronautes Entrainement
Réf S10191 : Jerry Ross jokes with the Closeout Crew in the White Room as he prepares to enter
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TIRAGE Haute Définition
40 x 60 cm
23.00 €
20.70 €
125.00 €
50 x 75 cm
29.90 €
26.91 €
140.00 €
60 x 90 cm
45.00 €
40.50 €
170.00 €
80 x 120 cm
75.00 €
220.00 €
100 x 150 cm
109.00 €
290.00 €
*Le transparent est un support translucide
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Thème :
Astronautes Entrainement
(La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)
(04/08/2002) - Jerry Ross jokes with the Closeout Crew in the White Room as he prepares to enter Space Shuttle Atlantis for launch. The White Room provides entry into the cockpit area of the orbiter. The 13th assembly flight to the International Space Station, STS-110 is carrying the S0 Integrated Truss Structure and Mobile Transporter (MT). On the 11-day mission, astronauts, including Ross, will make four spacewalks to attach the S0 truss, which will become the backbone of the Space Station, to the U.S. Lab, 'Destiny.' The MT, a space 'railcar,' is attached to the truss segment and will make its debut run during the flight. Ross is making his seventh Shuttle flight, a new record in the history of the Shuttle program, and will complete his ninth spacewalk, also a record. Launch is scheduled for 4:40 p.m. EDT (20:40 GMT)
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Dernière Mise à Jour mercredi 09 octobre 2024