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Accueil »  Tirages Photos » Astronautes Entrainement » S10859
Réf S10859 : The STS86 crew enjoys a relaxing moment while greeting friends

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40 x 60 cm23.00 € 20.70 €
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Thème : Astronautes Entrainement

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(09/24/1997) --- The STS-86 crew enjoys a relaxing moment while greeting friends, families and other well-wishers the day before the scheduled Sept. 25 launch aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis. From left are Mission Specialist David A. Wolf; Mission Specialist Vladimir Georgievich Titov of the Russian Space Agency; Mission Specialist Scott E. Parazynski; Mission Specialist Wendy B. Lawrence (leaning into Parazynski); Mission Specialist Jean-Loup J.M. Chretien of the French Space Agency, CNES; Commander James D. Wetherbee; and Pilot Michael J. Bloomfield. STS-86 is slated to be the seventh docking of the Space Shuttle and the Russian Space Station Mir. Parazynski and Lawrence had trained to live and work aboard the Russian station but were withdrawn from Mir training Parazynski because he was 'too tall' to fit safely in the Russian Soyuz vehicle, and Lawrence because she is 'too short' to fit in the Russian spacewalk suit. 'Just right' Wolf is scheduled to become a Mir 24 crew member after the docking, to replace U.S. astronaut C. Michael Foale for an extended stay aboard the Russian orbiting outpost

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