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Accueil »  Tirages Photos » Russes - Soviétiques » S18781
Réf S18781 : Voskhod 1 Cosmonauts

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40 x 60 cm23.00 € 20.70 €
125.00 €
50 x 75 cm29.90 € 26.91 €
140.00 €
60 x 90 cm45.00 € 40.50 €
170.00 €
80 x 120 cm75.00 €
220.00 €
100 x 150 cm109.00 €
290.00 €

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Thème : Russes - Soviétiques

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

From left to right, Vladimir Komarov, Boris Yegorov, and Konstaning Feoktistov, the crew of the first Voskhod spacecraft, make their way to the launch pad on October 12, 1964, prior to the launch. Note their causal attire, a contrast to the bulky suits worn on the earlier Vostok flights. With the growing concern that the American project Gemini would be the first multi-manned spaceflight, the Soviets began to design their own three-man spacecraft, Voskhod. Achieving another space first, the Soviets launched Voskhod 1 on October 12, 1964. Yegorov, the first trained medical doctor in space, conducted several medical experiments. The mission was declared a success when the cosmonauts safely landed in Kazakhstan on October 13th.

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