PROMOTIONS :     Réf T19 : Sky-Watcher 80/400 Eq.                Réf SF1005 : Le Fisher Space Pen Pocket Noir Mat à capuchon amovible avec clip                Réf PP010 : La Terre - Apollo 17                Réf LX001 : Le lot complet des 14 Cartes Postales                Réf ALE01 : Le lot complet de tous les 38 Ecussons Aviation, Grands, Moyens, Petits modèles                Réf D16 : LE CENTRE SPATIAL KENNEDY - Série de 24 Diapositives                Réf ALEM01 : Le lot des 18 Ecussons Aviation Modèles moyens                

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Accueil »  Tirages Photos » Terre vue de l'espace - Iles - Récifs » T01399
Réf T01399 : Aegean Sea June 1991

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que vous souhaitez commander

40 x 40 cm16.80 €
95.00 €
50 x 50 cm26.00 €
125.00 €
60 x 60 cm37.00 € 32.00 €
150.00 €
80 x 80 cm59.00 € 49.00 €
195.00 €
100 x 100 cm85.00 € 79.00 €
300.00 €

*Le transparent est un support translucide
que l'on applique devant un néon
Thème : Terre vue de l'espace - Iles - Récifs

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

The highly reflective white area near the middle of the photograph is sun glitter, a result of the sun’s reflection from the surface of the sea. Sun glitter provided an excellent opportunity to map the surface dynamics of the water, including water current patterns produced by the wind and two ship wakes near the center of the photograph. Viewing clockwise from the southeast Aegean Sea are several Greek islands—the Dodecanese group, with Rhodes (not in this photograph) as its administrative center; the Cyclades group; and Lesbos, the larger island that is notched from the south into the center by the Gulf of Kallonís. The Aegean Sea is flanked on the east by the mountainous coastal area of Turkey and on the west by the mountainous peninsulas and Euboea Island of Greece. Athens is barely discernible along the southern coast of the large peninsula on the western edge of the photograph.

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