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Ref : S04039

Theme : Aviation-NASA aircrafts-Prototypes  (1538 images)

Title : F-16XL Ship #1 in flight - used for laminar airflow studies

Caption :

One of two F-16XL prototype aircraft, on loan from the Air Force, was used by NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, in a program to investigate laminar flow technology and help improve the flow of air over an aircraft's wing at sustained supersonic speeds. A small, perforated titanium wing glove with a turbo compressor was tested on the F-16XL to determine if air suction can remove a small part of the boundary-layer air flowing over the wing and thereby achieve laminar (smooth) flow over a portion of the wing. The flight research program on ship #1 ended in 1996. It was then conducted with NASA's two-seat F-16XL, ship #2 employing a larger glove.