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Ref : V02035

Theme : Looking at Earth - Plains - Plateaus - Valleys  (487 images)

Title : MISR Views Southern California

Caption :

MISR images of Southern California acquired on March 14, 2000 during Terra orbit 1273. North is at the top. The left image is a color composite generated using data from the blue, green, and red bands of the vertical (nadir) camera. The right image is a color composite using data from the green, red, and near-infrared bands from the same camera; in this view vegetation shows up clearly in shades of red. The distinctive chevron shape of the Mojave Desert is bordered by the San Andreas Fault on the south and the Garlock Fault on the north. To the northwest are the Sierra Nevada mountains and the agricultural fields of the San Joaquin valley. Santa Catalina and San Clemente Islands, warmed by the morning sun, are visible through the marine stratus cloud layer; to their west at the edge of the cloud bank is San Nicolas Island, and further up the coast are the Channel Islands. The Los Angeles basin is just south of center; San Diego is at the bottom right-hand corner.