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Réf : S13173

Thème : Astronautes Entrainement  (1725 images)

Titre : During a simulated rescue mission in the woods near the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF)

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(03/17/1999) --- During a simulated rescue mission in the woods near the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), the KSC response team practices stabilizing an injured crew member before transport to a local hospital by helicopter. The response team is training for the unlikely scenario of a Shuttle mishap at the SLF. The Mode 7 simulation of an astronaut rescue exercises all aspects of command and control, search and rescue, and medical procedures required for a successful rescue. The remote location of the mock-up prevents a totally land-based crew rescue, and calls on a NASA UH-1 helicopter to locate the site and four Air Force HH-60 helicopters to drop emergency equipment and fire/rescue workers who will prepare the 'crew' for preliminary triage. The helicopters later will help remove the crew five astronaut candidates, one representative from the Vehicle Integration Test office, and one fire/rescue worker. The exercise will conclude with airlifted 'patients' arriving safely in the emergency rooms of participating area hospitals