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Ref : S08643

Theme : Mission emblems  (19 images)

Title : EXPEDITION THREE INSIGNIA The Expedition Three crew members astronaut Frank

Caption :

(06/30/2001) -- EXPEDITION THREE INSIGNIA -- The Expedition Three crew members -- astronaut Frank L. Culbertson Jr., commander, and cosmonauts Vladimir N. Dezhurov and Mikhail Tyurin -- had the following to say about the insignia for their scheduled mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS): 'The book of space history turns from the chapter written onboard the Russian Mir Station and the U.S. Space Shuttle to the next new chapter, one that will be written on the blank pages of the future by space explorers working for the benefit of the entire world. The space walker signifies the human element of this endeavor. The star representing the members of the third expedition, and the entire multi-national Space Station building team, streaks into the dawning era of cooperative space exploration, represented by the image of the International Space Station as it nears completion.'